A Very Merry Christmas

All decked out in his new gear from "gwampa mawk" (translation: grandpa Mark)

Spencer's new Harley from grandpa....definitely the the biggest hit this Christmas.

Our little Batman....looking out over Gotham City

Our family up and dad's house on Christmas Eve
(L to R: Heather, Bryce, Heidi, Jake, Erika, Mark, Dawndi, Karly
In front: Megan and Spencer)

Spencer discovered a real love for ripping the wrapping paper off presents. He didn't even care what was in them!!

Zoe, as usual, enjoyed unwrapping her present!

Grandma Cathy brought back the 80's (and we all really enjoyed it), by giving Spence the Teddy Ruxpin

Jake's Christmas wish this year was a real, working wood burning fireplace. So...he got his wish. We hired a chimney sweep to come over and clean out the chimney, and discovered that it probably had not been used for about 45 years. We had to have the cap replaced on top of the chimney and a damper installed, so the fireplace can be closed off when it is not being used. It ended up being a lot larger project than we imagined, but it has payed off. We have used the fireplace quite a bit this winter, and it makes our little home pretty cozy. It looked really cute with all the Christmas decorations!!

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